Resources for all things Robotics
This project is maintained by 1010Robotics
Always remember to be courteous and try to use the field to the benefit of all robot groups. Take care of the surface and the game pieces at all times.
Only 4 robots on field at any time and remember we have two field setups.
If parts fall off robot onto the field, you should remove them as soon as safe to do so. This way you will know if any parts on the field are from your robot and will reduce the chance of damage to your robot or the field.
A group that is done with the field, makes sure its game ready for the next robot. i.e. Reset field after use for the next group.
Return all objects you’ve borrowed from the field when you are done with them or as groups need them for practice matches.
Don’t walk on field with your shoes.
Must wear socks while on the field.
Work out a time agreement when other teams are waiting to use the field.
Don’t leave stuff around the field - otherwise its difficult to access the field.
Put a one-turn limit on autonomous runs and skills runs in the days leading up to a tournament.
No more than 1 skills run or match (no consecutive matches).
No more than 5 autonomous runs.
Robot on field for no longer than 20 mins.
Up to 4 robots on the field doing autonomous and driving.
No stacking cones without a robot (throwing counts as that). No flipping cones. Don’t stack cones.
When practicing match loads make sure that you and the cones don’t get in people’s way.
Don’t leave your robot on the field unattended.
No building/fixing on the field. No leaning on field.
No leaning in on the side of the robotics field while robots are in there.
If you see FOD on the field pick it up and place it the boxes.
Be careful of robots on the field (especially when testing autonomous).
Don’t leave connected controllers and vex competition switches unattended on the field.
Make sure both controllers and vex competition switches are OFF or DISABLED when not using.
Pick up fallen parts off the field.
Don’t drive in front of a group testing autonomous. Auto takes priority.
Don’t play with the cones high near edge of field (5 max).
Don’t drive your robot in an area that someone else is doing auto in.
Don’t stand/sit on the field while other people are driving.
Everyone should be responsible for the reset for the cones and mobile goals.