
Resources for all things Robotics

This project is maintained by 1010Robotics

Robotics Academy Room Procedures: Maintain a professional level work space

1. Tables

Your robot, parts tools and other equipment should only Occupy your groups assigned table. Keep this area as tidy as possible given the circumstances.

Tables will be cleared at the end of each build session.

Robots may not be left on tables overnight.

2. Bays

Bays are assigned for each robot group. These should be kept ordered and organized.

The space and the floor in front of it is to be kept clean and tidy at all times.

3. Tools

Team tools must be returned to their proper storage place immediately after use.

Group tools will be kept with the appropriate robot. Please Keep all tools organized.

4. Parts

Team parts must be returned to the proper storage place immediately after selection. Example: the the box of axles is always in the cupboards so other teams can find them.

Let Mr. Ablett know when we are down to the last few items on any part so we can order them in advance. If we wait till the last item is taken, it may be too late to get those parts for the next competition.

If you wish to keep a unused assembly please ask Mr. Ablett for permission, otherwise disassemble and restock the parts.

5. Floor

Parts should not be left on the floor for any extended time.

The floor must be kept as clear as possible at all times.

Backpacks and other bags should be under the tables.

The walkways should be clear of all possible obstructions. This includes always being aware of clear passage around the room for everyone.

6. Stools

Stools should be tucked under tables when not in use.

If possible put the stools on top of the table at the end of the day to help the custodial staff sweep dust off the floor.

7. Cleaning

The work space should be kept clean. No cut zip ties, rubber bands, lunch remains, bottles should be lying around. Please place in the appropriate container such as recyling or trash.

White boards should be cleaned after use, take a picture if you need the information later.

8. Teamwork

Before 1:45 pm Report to the teachers and record in the Boardroom the names of any group members who are absent.